ABOUT Maxwell Style

Maxwell Style - a leading UK wholesale B2B clothing designer, manufacturer & supplier
Maxwellstyle.co.uk group is Maxwell Studio Ltd's new direct wholesale trade supplier business-to-business (B2B) website.We pride ourselves on the manufacture of out of the box clothing designs, providing excellent quality menswear, womenswear and unisex fashionable clothes from superb brands such as UNIQUE21 Clothing, EXTRO&VERT Tailored Clothing, AKARI Men's Clothing, AKARISE Homeware, PIULEMER Beauty. We provide full support to all of our customers from ordering to delivery & anything else in-between.
Brands we supply
Our Brands
The Maxwell Style Offers Fashion And Design Through Five Clearly Defined Brands, Each With Their Own Unique Identity.
The Maxwell Style includes five clearly defined brands – UNIQUE21,EXTRO&VERT, AKARI, AKARISE,PIULEMER. Together our brands offer customers a wealth of styles and trends in fashion, beauty, accessories.
Our brands complement each other well, each having its own unique identity.Every brand has a design and buying department,in which teams of people from differing backgrounds and with wideranging experience and skills work together to create collections tosuit customers’ wishes. The Maxwell Style has a circular approach which is reflected in the increased use of recycled and sustainable materials.